Monday, December 20, 2010

Today's Homework

Math (4B only) - Finish the tongue twister x worksheet

PRAYER SERVICE TIME CHANGE - Please note that due to a funeral, the prayer service tomorrow has been moved to 2:15 p.m.

NO HOT LUNCH served tomorrow. All students should pack a lunch with drink.

Thanks, room moms, for another great party!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Grade 4 News - December 17, 2010

Language Arts News -
Persuasive Writing Letter - All students have been working hard on their persuasive writing piece. Perhaps because the subject matter involves writing a family member to ask for that present they've been wanting for Christmas! You should see a copy of their final draft somewhere in their binders or Friday Folders today. We're keeping the originals here for their writing portfolios. Look for these!

Diary assignments were shared today and I can't wait to read them over the break. Students really used their creativity for this!

Math News- We are working on two-digit x two-digit mulitiplication. Please practice more of these over the weekend and over the break! It's a process I don't want them to forget! Also, don't forget to brush up on those math facts over break. We are moving into larger problems and it's going to be essential that students stay on top of these.

There are two Math assessments in today's Friday folder that need returned for portfolios. Thanks for seeing that these are returned promptly!

Looking ahead to next week:
Christmas parties - Monday at 2:00 p.m.
Prayer Service - Tuesday at 9:30. We are also working on classroom auction projects Tuesday. The auction committee would like to remind you to send in a recipe for this. Thanks!

Interims were mailed for some students today, and Terra Nova test results should be arriving in your mailbox soon.

Take some time to savor the season! Take a deep breath from all your baking, shopping, and cards, and try to find time to celebrate the reason for the season.

Happy Advent- Next newsletter will be in 2011!,
Laurie Smith

PS- longer will I be posting family pictures. Per new Diocesan Policy, this web page is strictly for the use of my ministry at St. Brendan. Thank you for understanding.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Spelling test tomorrow!
Diary assignment is due.

Math- Finish 8 math problems on half-sheet.

We're learning two-digits x two-digits! Practice some of these at home in your spare time!

***RUMOR HAS IT ----->that the 4th Grade is making treats for the Bake Sale tomorrow. Sorry for the last minute notice. We were not aware until 3pm today!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Spelling Funky
Diary Assignment due Friday

Math- No Homework! Ask students about the Math game we played today. This would be an easy and fun way to reinforce Math over break.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Spelling WB pg. 80. Diary assignment is due Friday 12/17.

Math - WB pg. 72

Monday, December 13, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Diary assignment due Friday. Spelling workbook pages 77-79 should be completed tonight if not already. Current Events conclude tomorrow.

Math - Finish WB pg. 71

Friday, December 10, 2010

Grade 4 News - December 10, 2010

We are so proud of our 4th graders this week. The Christmas program was delightful and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. If anyone has a DVD to send in, the students would love to view this sometime before the holiday break. Let us know if you have one to share!

Spelling Bee Results
Congratulations to the following students who will represent grade 4 in the Senior Spelling Bee in January: Eddie Zink, Ivy Quinn, Madison Strane, and Emily Hatfield. Alternates will be Jack Riendeau and Julia Lyle. All six students will receive study books from Mrs. Roberts to work on over the break. Happy studying, spellers! We'll all be rooting for you in January!

Looking Ahead - Friday December 17th - Interims will be mailed for any students currently receiving an N in any of the standards. Also be checking your mailbox for your child's Terra Nova test results.

Next Friday is a Bake Sale day- Bring your quarters!

Language Arts - Diaries are due December 17th. I'm anxious to see how students are doing with this fun project. This week in class we will also be finishing up our book reports and persuasive letters.

Math- We continue to move into more difficult multiplication problems. This week we'll begin looking at 2 digit x 2 digits. It's essential that your child know their facts so we can move on with our studies. Keep practicing!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Spelling test tomorrow. Spelling Funky due if not already turned in.
Diary assignment due 12/17

Math - WB p. 67 #1-10 only

Any student completing the Blue Jackets Reading program, your scorecards are due back by 12/17.

Congratulations to the following students who will represent 4th Grade in the Senior Spelling Bee in January: Ivy Quinn, Eddie Zink, Emily Hatfield, and Madison Strane. Alternates will be Julia Lyle and Jack Riendeau. All of our students did very well in our Spelling Bee today. Great work!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Spelling Funky (this may be turned in Friday if your child does not have time today.) I would like them to still practice their words!

Students should report to the music room by 6:40 p.m. See you tonight!
Caroline thinks you're all #1!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Diary Assignment expectations were handed out today. Students will be writing 5 diary entries between now and 12/17. These are due 12/17. Ask your child to see this assignment. It should be in their binders.

Spelling WB pg. 74
**Students may also want to do Spelling funky tonight to avoid this assignment on the night of the Christmas Program!

Math - No Math HW today. Keep practicing those facts!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Current Events
Spelling WB pg. 73

Math - Practice multiplying two and three digits by one- finish WB 63 #1-7, WB 64, #1-8. We allowed time in class for most students to complete these, but a few have some left to complete.

Giddy with excitement!

Someone is giddy with excitement about seeing the 4th grade Christmas program this week! We can't wait. Students are working hard, and we look forward to sharing it with you!

Friday, December 3, 2010

4th Grade News - December 3, 2010

Book Reports
Students are working in class on their book report chains, and they are coming along nicely! We hope to have some on display in the hallway next week.

"Once Upon a Christmas Light"
Students are busy preparing for next week's Christmas program. Please know that the teachers are working to keep the homework load light during rehearsals and performances, but we still have much to learn in December. We look forward to seeing you next week! The dress rehearsal is Wednesday at 2:30 p.m and the performance is at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Kathy Smith has sent details regarding costumes and rehearsals. Please see her website for further info.

Looking Ahead to next week:

Language Arts - We will be starting a fun Diary project next week. Look for directions to come home Tuesday. We are writing five diary entries from the viewpoint of an inanimate object. These will be due Friday December 17th and are usually a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what creative ideas the students come up with!

Math - We are moving ahead with larger multiplication problems next week, and multiplying with money. Students still need to keep up with those basic facts. Keep drilling these at home, and offering extra practice on the Math websites. Thanks for your assitance with this!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Study your Spelling words for your test!

Math - Continue to practice your facts- both multiplication and division!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today's Homework

LA - Spelling funky
Some students have a few stray Skinnybones assignments that need completed. They were encouraged to bring these home to finish as HW as they have time. We are not taking any more class time to work on Skinnybones. These are not due tomorrow, but as soon as they can be finished. Thanks.
Current Events continue

Book Reports- Students should be finished with their books this week, and received detailed instructions today on the project portion. We are completing these in class, so students shouldn't be worrying about this at home. Just wanted you to be aware, thanks!

Math - WB pgs. 59 & 60 was worked on for fifteen minutes in class today. Some students have a few problems left to complete.