Reconciliation - tomorrow 10:00 a.m. Mr. Rendon will be on hand to assist you.
Re-Registration - Don't forget to complete your forms and get them to the office by Monday to avoid a higher fee!
Thank You!
A big thanks to 4A students who surprised me with a baby shower and gifts this week! Wow, I feel loved! Thank you ALL!
My time remaining in the classroom is winding down and after next week, will be quite limited. Miss Jill Auer will be taking over duties and will be filling in for me during my remaining doctor appointments. I will be completing the progress reports for third quarter, and Miss Auer will then take over for the remainder of the year. I will still be checking my email periodically, so if you have questions I can assist you with, I am happy to help. It has been my pleasure to be with your fourth grader this year, and I have really enjoyed every minute. I'll still be visiting from time to time and plan to keep in touch. Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with me each and every day!
Baby will be here within just two weeks! WOW!
Judges still needed!
If you have the time, we'd love to have you for our Invention Convention on March 23rd. No experience necessary! Email me today if you'd like to help!
Math News: We are starting our unit in Geometry (Thanks for the donations of pretzels and marshmallows- they were a hit today!), and tests from Chapter 4 should be in your child's Friday Folder today.
LA News: We are working with our Treasures book once again and concluding our work with Literature Circles. Current Events for 4th quarter have been assigned. Check your child's agenda for their due date.
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